If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Snakes and Ladders.

UP early and on the road to Sheffield to spend Christmas with #1 daughter (ArcaneSpark)  A trouble free if very wet run down.  WE arrived late morning giving us just time to set up MIlo's (Katkatkat's Royal Python)vivarium and transfer her from her traveling box before we went out to a local pub.

We had a lovely relaxed lunch with Katkatkat, G and ArcaneSpark.  There was much hilarity and catching up as it was a long time since we had all been together.  Soon after we got back to the house S arrived back from picking up our Grandchildren from nursery.

D (seen here) is one of those unfortunate people with a birthday very close to Christmas.   We hadn't been in long before he had persuaded His Uncle G and Katkatkat to play his new Pirate Snakes and Ladders game which he got for his birthday

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