Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Star Wars at stupid o'clock

The opening credits were enough for me to get a wee bit emotional and regress to the golden age of ET, Star Wars and Indiana to name but a few. I covertly goosebumped and cried for the rest of the film, loved it, even though it was a 9.30am screening and none of us had eaten breakfast. Sam is the only person in the known galaxy not to like it, but I reckon he was just overawed by it all or the fact that some wee butt monkey at his school was running around telling everyone plot spoilers the past few days. The butt monkey apparently got punched twice for it and it still didn't stop him. I'm not a fan of violence unless it is justly administered.....he felt the force.

We went to the sandollar afterwards, it was soo very hard not to talk about the film for fear of giving stuff away and we had to clamp our hands on Tess' mouth on more than one occasion to stop her revealing something through pure excitement. I have a feeling this may be one of the few if only films I might see twice....

Still not dented Sam's love of Star Wars though as his pre-cinema trip montage of characters we came across this morning on the table testifies. He was given the original characters years ago by an old friend of Dave's. They still bear the burn scars of epic living room battles when Chris stole his mum's lighter to reenact battle scene explosions without his mum knowing. Or maybe she did know. Sam better not try that....mixing it up battle big style with Lego Star Wars.

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