Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


This is Percy. I've Blipped Percy before and he's a donkey, so of course, he's cute and everybody likes him. But if Percy was a person and not a donkey, I'm not sure you would. He lives with his partner, Primrose, and frankly, he's a bit of a chauvinistic bully. He won't let Primrose anywhere near the fence if there's an ear tickle going and the last time I was walking past he was clearly in a bad mood. Primrose had seen me and was walking over to me when Percy gave a loud 'harrrrumphhhh' which seemed to be telling Primrose she wasn't allowed to. So she stopped. (I couldn't imagine W taking any notice of me if I harrrrumphhhhed but that's another story.)

Bully or not, he still got an ear tickle.

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