Lorna's Little Life

By lornabowry

Misty Life

So life lately has been slightly mad. By slightly I mean very. It's been very busy. There has been a lot of work. There has been visitors. There has been sport. There has been tea and cake. There has been conversations. There has been photos. There has been getting to know awesome people better. There has been drinks in the pub. There has been general busy things. And, although most of life has been pretty good, it is exhausting and I am feeling it. And then there is the weather. I think this is, in fact, one of the main factors of my exhaustion. But tonight this happened. Mist. Amazing mist. How is this just not the most amazing thing you've seen in a long time? And, if I wasn't so busy, I wouldn't have seen it. That may sound strange but today consisted of an early morning, a full on day at work, watching some tennis with friends, playing badminton, stuffing some food in, going to the pub and then walking home. And the best part, the walking home. I love nature. This is amazing. It's a good reminder of bigger things in life. It also makes me miss my island life and the nature that surrounds that. Soon I will be able to visit and it'll be awesome. Thank you to all my friends who make my busy life worthwhile.

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