Lorna's Little Life

By lornabowry

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"I'm inoocent and cute". Yes, Corran, you are cute, but you aren't innocent. Did I just sparay you with water for trying to pull down my hanging butterfly, again? Yes. Silly kitten.

Today was quite some day. With now only 4 working days left at my job, if I can get through this next week until 5.15pm Friday when I leave the building then suddenly I am on to the next chapter of my life.

In between the end of my work and the start of my college I have a summer of fun planned. I am not going to let a bit (ok, a lot) of rain get in the way. Iona, Dalguise, back to Iona, Wales, Telford, Stratford, Greenbelt... some decoratingg, building, music, creativity, conversations, having time for awesome people, and tea drinking... A busy summer before the studying begins. Just bring it on.

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