
Went to Grandpa and Grandma's house for a Fourth Of July celebration. There was food, swimming, terrible music, and general shenanigans.

Now, Pickle said this; "Who do you think cares about this family? This family doesn't care about this family" but I'm going to write down my favorite parts of the day anyway just in case someone cares.

-Uncle Barry asking where the weed was because Bruce Springsteen brought back "memories".
-My mother trying to tell us she is a hipster who likes "finer" things and that she googled what makes a hipster.
-Pickle telling us that nothing will keep you awake like clenching your butt cheeks together after eating Taco Bell.
-Three conversations at separate times about "taking poops on company time".

That's my father on the left and his boyfriend Uncle Don.

"We didn't raise the Statue of Liberty with its back to the world. We raised it with its light to the world."
-President Obama

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