Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Liza Jane on the 4th of July

This is TerriG's adorable dog Liza Jane. Here she's nestled in the loving arms of her other mom, Laurie, singing Liza's favorite song, Cheryl Wheeler's Howl at the Moon. (It takes Wheeler fifty seconds to get started in the video, but once she does, it's a charming song, and Liza really does love having it sung to her.)

We strolled through the park on a balmy, sunny, but pleasantly cool 4th of July holiday, PERFECT WEATHER, and Terri and I observed that the only 4th of July blips we had seen were posted by British people. People from the USA have been pretty quiet about the holiday. We wondered why.

Maybe those of us who live here have just heard too much already about what a great country, what a powerful country, what an A-Number-One free country the US of A is. If you'd like a little vulgar-mouth stand-up comedy, Lewis Black does a whole four-and-a-half minute routine on why the USA is NOT Number One, especially compared with another North American country that still sings God Save the Queen and gives everybody health care. I find it hilarious, but I am immune to use of the F-word. If that word offends you, that and similar four-letter words, don't click on the link.

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