And delphiniums blue

By flynnet


Took this sat on the bench about ten mins ago still in my pjs! disgraceful I know! but in my defence I have been up since 5 and cleaning and checking out all your blips from yesterday :) im feeling more myself today and the tummy ache as eased off considerably. Yesterdays emergency late blip was a rough looking shot I must admit but I was desperado lol and in my defence I was on codeine at the time 4 my tum tum! So yesterdays massive gain of 4lb some of which was self inflicted how ever some serious thought and advice off the good doctor, im back on the dreaded Atkins! the thing is im not a big meat eater so it aint going to be easy. The reason for doing so is (copied & pasted) Nutrition, as well as other forms of treatment, can truly help women with the symptoms and frustrations of PCOS. It was thought years ago that PCOS was a reproductive disorder but in fact it is an endocrine disorder. Endocrine disorders are any that deal with hormones secreted by the endocrine glands. PCOS deals specifically with the hormone insulin. Normally after a good meal blood sugar rises, the pancreas secretes insulin and insulin acts as a key that unlocks cells to get the blood sugars inside to be used as fuel. In those diagnosed with PCOS, insulin is resistant so sugars don't get into the cell as efficiently and the body produces more and more insulin. It is this excess insulin that causes weight gain in many women with PCOS.
so I need to cut out as much carbs as possible but I can have 3 small servings of some salads and food stuffs.
breakfast 3scrambled eggs!
lunch 2piece of poached haddock with cheese and chilli & tiny salad.
dinner haven't got the foggiest!
snacks cheese cubes, or any meat.

sleeping at mums tonight as she has to go out for a few hours, im going to sit with great gran and have a good catch up! if I dont get chance to see your blips before I go today I will catch up in the morning

lots of love c x x x

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