a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Well, OK, so here we are at day 365.  The challenge that I set myself year ago has been completed.  Given that it is New Year's Eve I though that this retrospective collage might be a suitable blip.  Strictly its not a "new" photo but I hope that I will be forgiven on this occasion.
A year ago, Blip seemed as though it would be around forever.  I had come across others taking part, and the photographic diary challenge was terribly appealing, particularly to someone who had never kept a diary or blogged, but who needed an outlet for his attempts at photography.
A year later we find that Blip is once again at a crossroads, and who knows where the year ahead will take it?  My Johnny come lately status meant that I didn’t understand the history of Blip when I joined.  I am not someone who paid for a life membership, or who ordered the Blip books, so I have not lost money in that way.  On the other hand, I can really see how I would have paid for life membership and would now want to buy a well produced book of my first year’s journal.  All of which has lead me to pledge to support the Blipfuture team.

Somewhere along the way the Blip 365 challenge has morphed into something else. It is now something that is much more community based.  Blip is a great place to be.  I can only hope that those of you who have not already pledged will do so in the very near future, I would hate to lose this virtual community.
Over the course of my 365, I have been offered guidance and help by many experienced Blippers.  I have also watched the development of some of my Blip friends with interest and awe.  For many, real life has intruded and they have had to compromise.  Some have had to drop out for the concept of a daily post made that day; others have found that the community involvement (enjoyable as it is) can be a black hole that will eat up your daily existence.  I’ve been tempted to switch of comments on a number of occasions myself.  There are no right or wrongs here.  I suspect that I will need to retrench somewhat from time to time.  But I very much look forward to the challenge of the next 365 and the year ahead in your company.


Thanks to everyone for their very kind comments stars and hearts.

Belatedly I realise that in hurrying to get this uploaded before I left for work this morning I had forgotten to upload my next anagram of Christmas, which I have now done as the extra.

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