of a dried up flower.
This last day of the year started so dark and rainy, it made me feel very lazy and I watched first a movie on you tube, that Mischa had told me I could find there. A romantic comedy, one that we used to watch several years ago. Simply dreaming away.
Then Piet Hein and I went food shopping at the supermarket. Done is done.
We will have a quiet night, this last night of the year. We are joking if we will stay awake till midnight.
youoregon1 is hosting the Abstract Thursday challenge once more in his unsurpassed way. I am very thankful for that.

My haiku:

Memento mori
Last day of the year
May new horizons appear

And the proverb:

To hop against the hill.

(to strive against an unsurmountable  obstacle)

1575  Gascoigne,  Posies, Hearbes.

Wish you all a very Happy New Year

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