I have been on Blip for six years now
WHY? Cause I'm a nosey wee git & like seeing what goes on in other peoples lives!  Well only partly true.
 I like it because I go out each day seeking a picture
It ties in with my journal which is equally important
It will provide me with endless amusement when I get old & decrepit & can't remember my own name, I will look back & think this person had a Helluva life!
I have met many wonderful people I would not otherwise have met despite my children getting onto me not to talk to strangers on the net!
I like the wee back button that lets you know what you blipped the previous years
I have travelled the world from the comfort of my own armchair 
I have developed a serious fascination for West Coast Motors (that's the effect some other blippers can have on you!)
I want to meet even more strange people blip friends
It is one of the world's best bits of recorded social history

Finally I will pledge some of my meagre pennies  to save this very rare piece of social media

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