
By Artminx


I wish new year's eve would be on the shortest day of the year, that feels so much more fitting to me. Anyway, as much as I don't like to 'reflect' and actually spent most of the day fighting what felt like people forcing me too (I really should stay away from facebook on days like today), I suddenly had a moment less than an hour ago. 

Mia and I had a day on the sofa watching films and the final one (Breaking Dawn Part 1) had just ended when I looked up to the fireplace. There was a card with a small gift bag inside, unopened, which a good friend from twitter had sent me. Taking it down with a rather large pang of guilt that I had not yet opened it I started thinking about all the friends that have made life so much blooming nicer by just being there.

These earrings are a genuinely lovely gesture of friendship and have made me make a promise to myself to spend more time letting friends know how valued they are. 

So, thank you @Twitflup for this perfect gift, you proper diamond of a friend. 


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