
By CharlotteJ

By 10am!

Gravy died!! (see 4/7 blip!)

He had a really good night and was even singing this morning but by 10am he was very poorly, so mad dash to wild life centre for him to die en route!!

Poor mite, so he's now buried under a tree in the garden.

Will keep new cage as I am sure this won't be the last time we attempt to rescue a wild creature.

Other news: work, work, work so nothing new!

However, did find this spider and web (hope you can see where I was going with my novice shot!) which I thought was apt considering I feel slightly caught up in a web (workwise!).

Not looking forward to tomorrow but I doubt anyone would be considering the news I need to give four people, oh the joys of being in HR!! For those that hate HR people, some of us are nice - promise, and do care about people but sometimes we have to follow decisions that we don't agree on!

Once again good night everyone, chat tomorrow after all tomorrow is a new day and new beginnings!

With love!

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