Mono Monday Challenge: Beginning
I'd like to say this was the first record I ever bought and so the beginning of my record collection, but it wasn't. My first was probably 'I'm a Believer' by the Monkees in 1967 and I actually didn't buy this until sometime in the 1980's, but I first heard it back in the early 1970's. I used to go to London from the north with a mate of mine and while there we would always go down to the Kings Road in Chelsea and visit a shop called 'Let it Rock'. It was a sort of boutique selling rock and roll clothing and had a big old Wurlitzer Juke Box at the back which was packed with 1950's rock and roll records, and which you could play for free, so we (and a few others) used to hang around in there. The owners were quite a strange but fun couple and it was only many years later that I discovered they were Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood who, of course, both went on to much greater things in the worlds of pop music and fashion, so the shop was effectively the beginning of their careers.
And Frankie Ford? You can hear him here.
Thanks to Osuzanna for hosting the challenge this month.
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