Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

A man thing......

Without wishing to sound too sexist, I'm guessing my Blip today is more of a man thing. I have to say I'm not really into cars; so long as they get me from A to B, are reliable and don't cost too much to run, I'm fine. I really don't see the point of changing my car every couple of years just to show my neighbours I can. So I tend to buy cars which are new or nearly new, and then keep them until they either fall to pieces, start costing me a lot of money, or someone runs into the side of them at 8.40am on a lovely sunny morning when visibility is perfect and even an idiot could see I was coming........ (Sorry. That's another story.)

I don't do a lot of mileage so my present car will be celebrating it's 10th birthday in April and today it rewarded me with this Blip opportunity. Those of you who are a little bit OCD like me will be pleased to know I managed to zero the trip recorder at just the moment the mileometer tripped over to 100k!

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