Tiny .....

 ....... Tuesday (TT32)

My name is not beowolf or boudica, barti or britney, brian or briony.
I do not live in a place that begins with a b.
The pooch's name does not begin with a b.
Himself's name (neither nick- nor given) begins with a b.
Our house name does not begin with a b.

What the hell am I going to do with a  "b"  badge if blip disappears????

Please tell me I didn't waste £3 ....... KEEP BLIP ALIVE ......... so I can wear my badge with pride!!

To some £10 is a lot, to others it's a TINY (I got eventually there) amount ...... for those in the "tiny amount camp" please, please consider pledging again.

I won £6.20 on the euromillions (yay!) and am not buying my Wednesday bottle of wine this week - added together (cheap wine  lol) that's another tenner to pledge (see above) ....... who's with me????


~ Anni ~

Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting today.

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