A Come Down

There was no shire horse at the ready to pull Madame Esmeralda and her wagon to her wintering home, just a Mercedes Benz van with a trailer. A Mercedes Benz is, I imagine, slightly up market from a Ford so I imagine she had had a good Christmas and New Year telling fortunes for the gullible and fun loving.

Had I not been having a little bother with my IPad, in that I kept having to sign into Blipfoto and Face book, I would not have ventured forth into a 'fell dreich day' with a snell wind blowing in from the east. The buildings were blackened with damp and the streets wet and puddled with rain that hardly seems to have stopped since Christmas. If I lived anywhere near a river I would be following Noah and building an ark, although even that could be swept away.

As to the bother with my IPad, I had inadvertently clicked the little sign which looks like 2 pages at the top right of my screen and initiates private viewing. The girl in the Apple shop solved the problem in 2 seconds flat.

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