A virtual Hippy

Even Amazon could not deliver a bangle bought yesterday in Ipanema, Brazil by Barrioboy, have it delivered to me in Edinburgh last night, so that I could wear it for the first time this morning at 9am; but Blipfoto can and did, and here it is in all its hippy, cheerful and virtual charm.

What a shame it would be if we blippers fail to buy our site back to reset it to its original factory settings, and I lose my lovely bangle to the blackness of space.

There must be many regular blippers who for whatever reason have not yet taken the plunge to pledge. Perhaps they think that the site can be saved without them shaking any of their shekels at it, but we still have only raised half the amount needed.
If the owners decide on the 11th January that we are not showing enough commitment they can pull the plug. There will be no point regretting pledging inertia on January 12th.
No pledges are realised until the full amount is raised, so there is a welcome time lapse to cushion the bank balance.

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