
By Lenore

Playing in the dirt

The best fun is playing in anything that is dirty and messy.  Sand is the best, dirt is second best.  This morning was a general tidy and sort out, Alex played by himself (this only happens in the mornings, afternoons are little more reliant on company) and happily sat in the door way covering himself with dirt and dust, which was just so much fun.  Obviously, he ended up in the sink being washed clean and spent the rest of the day just in a nappy. 

My mother in law ran over a goat on her way back from town this afternoon, apparently it survived, although may have two broken legs, I actually hope that it is becoming dinner faster than maybe the owner intended before my mother in law injured it.  My father in law collected 15 tons of feed for his cattle today in the hope that feeding some of the cattle will fatten them and increase the value of them. 

Dirk and I had a day of getting things done, all those itty, bitty things that build up and irritate for not being done.  For him, it included finishing butchering a heifer that recently died - on the plus side I made a lasagne from minced fillet and rump (that had also been hanging for two weeks).  It was rather tasty, so much so that when I went back for seconds, I'd been beaten to it. 

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