Give us a kiss!

Well, did we enjoy The Bodyguard or what!!
What a great stage show :-) Late to bed last night but slept like a log :-)

Up and off to Pilates,to meet up with sis. Our first class for a couple of weeks, it was a bit tougher than usual, but we enjoyed it!

Then on to pick Mum up and off to M&S to browse the sales rails a little ;-) got some new leggings and top for Pilates. Then a bit of grocery shopping before a bite to eat for lunch. Afterwards, a quick trip around Sainsburys, then back to sis's for a brew, before going back to mums for the rest of the day and evening.

This is Mum, sat behind Sis's dog Bailey, who is lazing in his basket. He is 11 (or 77 in dog years) which is a good age for a Doberman! He's a bit wobbly at the rear end now but otherwise doing well and Mum isn't looking bad for her 83rd year either ;-) Mum had just lent down to Bailey, and said "give us a kiss" this was the result :-)

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