...as good as your last.

Jay-Z - My First Song

You're only as good as your last image. Unfortunately with the way things are, no one really has time to go through a person's canon of work that they choose to put out. Increased consumption has made things even more disposable. It's always been like this over a few generations I'd imagine. I BARELY buy music at the stores now because it's so easy to consume over iTunes and the Internet. I'm listening to about 4-5 albums a week because I have access to more resources and sadly it's becoming less special. My complaints echo generations of old so it comes as no surprise that it appears that I'm losing touch with "the new". So really, due to the increasing volumes of consumption, there is simply too much to give appreciation to and that you're only remembered, or more aptly "seen", from what you do last.

Then there lies the argument of "first impressions" and you'll always be remembered for what you first do. Which in effect COULD be your last. However, it's difficult to go through, for example, an entire user's blip history unless you actively choose to do so or that their blip history is small. When compounded with the amount of users also using this site, there really is no time to sift through all the good work.

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