Ditto (plus pie)
Turns out cheese, wine and lots of The Bridge wasn't quite the therapy I hoped for. A grumpily restless night, and a morning on the sofa resulted.
However, this afternoon I was decidedly more productive, with a trip to the insurance office to inform them about the shed (which is already covered up to 200 m2 even though I struggled to get permission for 18m2). Also car insurance, with the resulting good news that Project Frenchify Our Car is GO. Anyway, it was a long and complex reintroduction to the art of French bureaucracy after a break in the Land of Normal.
So now I have a million things to do. However, I also managed to squeeze into the day Pledging to blipfuture. If I can squeeze time to do that in a day full of diarrhoea and French form-filling, then so can you. How much do you spend on coffee? On chocolate? On magazines you don't read? Can you imagine sparing £1 a week for blip? Whether you're a blipper, a long-term lurker or an occasional viewer, think about it. And then I promise I won't mention my bowels again.
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