State of the Bookcase

Busy Bookcases look like this.  At least they do when they are my bookcases!  I thought I might bare a little of my innermost soul to you and show you a small portion of my reading materials.  So there you have it.  Which one do you fancy reading?

You might think it's been a quiet day.  In actual fact it has had some exciting bits in it, but I just didn't get round to using the camera!  We kick started our swimming routine again this morning by going to the gym for our customary lengths for the first time since November.  Getting back into it now. Set myself a target to lose another stone at Slimming World and bought myself two kilner jars.  One will have fourteen stones in it which will be collected on our Blipmeet walk by Derwentwater on Sunday.  (Meet at 11 am by the Theatre by the Lake in Keswick, Sunday10 Jan if you are interested).  That jar will be labelled "Pounds to lose".  The other jar will be labelled pounds lost and will hopefully soon be full of the ones from the other jar!  Feel better now I've got a target to aim for.

The I had to do the old 999 call as we witnessed a motorcyclist being knocked off his motorbike at a nasty right turn out of Tesco's crossing a very busy road.  Never thought about taking a dramatic shot...  Felt very sorry for the elderly couple in the little Nissan Micra, and for the poor lad lying in the middle of the road.  The Ambulance came eventually but it seemed ages! Probably wasn't though.  That got the adrenalin going.

Then I went to see Mom.  No knitting started.  So I got her to cast on 53 stitches and start the first row.  She complained that it was all too tight so I said I would do the first row.  Got to the end.  Counted the stitches.  Only 44.  Start again.  We'll see how it goes!

I've also applied for a Blue Badge Parking permit for her.  I explained on the form that she has dementia and that I was applying for the badge on her behalf and gave my address as the contact person.  What do they do?  Send a letter to her about her mobility assessment next week.  Fortunately Dad had seen it and told me about it...  We'll see how that goes too!  She will tell them that she can run miles and always has been able to...

In spite of all this, I give you my bookcase - or at least a very small bit of it!

Shall I sell them all to pledge more to Blipfuture?  

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