Suburban Living

By amandarosephoto

Can you feel the force.

The force is strong right now. Pretty much everyone I know, whether Star Wars fans or not, whether film buffs or not, are being drawn towards the cinema to see the new Star Wars.
Tonight it was my turn.
As I mentioned in previous blips, I had a pretty pants time of things last year. I am extremely fortunate to have wonderful people in my life who helped, supported and stood by me through that period. One of those lovely people was Sue.
So, as a little thank you, I treated us both to a trip to see The Force Awakens tonight.
Sue was feeling pretty poorly when we met, she'd had a stressful week and was suffering with a headache and felt the beginnings of a cold. Not wanting to let me down, she came out on this very chilly night anyway. (see, wonderful person).
At the end of the film, she thanked me for inviting her out, she said she had started to feel better just before we had dinner and by the time the film had finished, she'd forgotten she'd felt ill at all.
The force is strong with me.
Which is more than can be said of the hand dryers in the Everyman.

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