
What's going on? While in Scotland I was trying to upload from an SD card to blip and it didn't work. Tried to email myself the photo through my Outlook Hotmail account so that I could upload from the iPhone, didn't work. Put it down to a problem with the computer.

Tried to upload this image to blip from computer at home, didn't work, tried to email it to myself, didn't work again. Had to use full Outlook to email it to myself and pick it up on the iPhone and upload from there.

What's going on? I attach and email small files OK, but not large picture images.

We were hoping to get out this morning for a walk down at the coast as the forecast was for the weather to clear up after a wet start. In the event it didn't clear up until gone 2.00pm but it did allow us to walk along a blustry seafront at Sandgate and watch the waves and the setting sun and this photographer risking life and equipment to try and get that extra special shot.

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