Stick man oh stick man!

We've had a great day today celebrating little A's second birthday. We opened cards and presents this morning with P before she went to school. A liked his remote control Thomas the tank engine but was a bit scared of Boris the dinosaur when he roared!

After dropping P at school and meeting up with G&G we went to the woods to follow the stick man trail. A loved it and carried his cuddly stick man with him all the way round. We saw all the characters from the story and had fun sword fighting with some sticks.

We warmed up in the cafe with a big bowl of homemade soup and then we went back out to the play area. A loved the muddy puddles and I was grateful I remembered his waterproof trousers!

This evening we all went for tea at Frankie and Benny's. It was delicious and A demolished all of his food. When the puddings were brought out A had a candle in his ice cream and the whole restaurant stopped to sing 'happy birthday ' to him. His face was priceless. He had no idea what was going on but he did know to blow out the candle!

A great end to a great day with my baby boy. Happy birthday my little darling xxx

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