Just cover it in icing

This time (10pm) two years ago I was on my way to hospital. My waters had broken and the contractions were getting stronger by the minute. My baby boy was about to make his speedy entrance into the world!

Here we are two years later and I'm kicking myself. I've just baked his birthday cake which amazingly came out of the pan perfectly. Not even one little bit got stuck anywhere. Then I turned it over and wham! The damn thing broke in half! I'm sure it's nothing a little icing can't fix....!

All the presents are wrapped, the balloons and banners are up. Just one more present to sort out. A pledge to blip. I've been wondering what to do for a while. Whether to pledge or not. But it dawned on me today, well actually just as I'm writing this, that it's recording these milestones that is what blip is really about. It's not just for me to look back on and reminisce, but I also hope that one day the children will enjoy looking back and reliving some of their childhood memories too. So my last gift is a pledge to blip. It might not be much, but if we all give a little then hopefully we might just reach the target and still have a blip this time next year.

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