....from Hurdlesgrove Hill

I whizzed over to Winslow this morning to collect my ipad which I have bought 2nd hand from an IT friend of Richard's. The weather was horrible on the journey over with heavy rain showers & lots of surface water. On the way home I stopped at Hurdlesgrove Hill for some shots across the fields. I particularly like this one where you can see the tower of Whitchurch Church and then just to its right you can just see the wind turbine located at Berryfields. I managed to get a few shots of Creslow (See Extra) which is a small farming community on a dead end road. In the centre of it you can make out the 14th Century Manor House which had ties with royalty in the past & is one of the oldest continually inhabited farmsteads in Buckinghamshire.

Once home we had lunch then I cleared the rest of the rubbish out of my study, rearranged the furniture & then sat down for a while before N & R arrived.

N & C are on the lash tonight attending a late Christmas do, whilst I stay in & wait for a Supermarket shop to come. Once that is put away I will be on the sofa with a glass of Shiraz , my Ipad & of course Merlot.

Cheers everyone ...its Saturday night enjoy !  

PS :More on Creslow here ..


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