
By Artminx

Story searching

I had two tasks for today, collect twigs for some new artworks and walk, lots!

After a rather late start I grabbed the basket and headed to the local park. I want to create a series of tales from the fallen branches/twigs from the trees in Astley Park. So I wandered around, head down looking for twigs with a tale to tell. It was a lovely half hour though a tad muddy after all this rainfall.

Task done I headed home for a change of footwear and set forth towards the Leeds/Liverpool canal. The playlist I created was a treat and I didn't even notice my foot hurting until a few miles in when I met the A6. By the time I got home it was pretty tender, it's still in shock from the cocktail stick incident of 2014/15 (which is now how shall refer to it) but nothing an evening's rest won't sort.


(The walk was about 5.5 miles and have managed over 7 in total today, so job done on the walking front)

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