Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Across Oxgangs to Warklaw Hill

A dull cold snowy day. The morning is spent tidying up some things and getting the chores out of the way. After lunch , I head down to Braidburn Valley Park, just as the mist comes in and it starts raining. The pavements were still a little slippery with ice, so the rain made it more interesting by hiding patches of ice. I take the photo above, which is the clearest one/

Head home and wait for my daughter to come around, which isn't for long, as she only wants to get the perfume she left at my house at New Year. At least she brings beer.

After putting some Ikea stuff together, I go for another wee walk, but forget my camera and phone. As its nearly sunset, I don't bother going back for them. Its still icy at Fairmilehead. My house is just below the snow line.

Back home for coffee, and to make another small indent into the massive box of chocolates I got for Christmas.

The evening is productive, Twin 1 and I manage to get his new graphics card working.

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