Fancy some Perspective ......

A long day.

I went for a very brief walk around the block at 6pm for some fresh air, before the evening meeting began. The precinct was deserted.

Om my way to work this morning I listened to Radio 3. They played David Bowie (Moss Garden from Heroes). On my way to the Oxfam shop at lunchtime I listened to Radio 4. They were interviewing Rick Wakeman (I didn't know he played the piano on Space Oddity). On my way home this evening I listened to Radio 2. A whole programme devoted to David Bowie, interviews and music on the BBC (I could have stayed in the car longer, a really good programme).

Has anything else been on all day ? I wouldn't know as I have been cocooned at work. I suppose it reflects a general sense of shock, especially as his new album Dark Star has been reviewed in the press this week and received rave reviews (the ones I've read, anyway).

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