Extended family

As I've mentioned on a previous occasion, I have to apply at least one editorial constraint to my blog, which I hope is not too obvious, and that is to be careful not to write about certain situations that involve other people. So, whilst I think it's fairly clear how some of my personal circumstances have changed since I started writing a daily blog in January 2012, I've always avoided being specific about certain events. After all, there are (at least) two sides to every story.

Long prior to this blog being started, I split up with my first wife, Katherine, with whom I had my first four daughters. I think it would be fair to say that over the years we have kept our relationship generally bobbing around somewhere between civil and amicable but of late it has become a little warmer. Perhaps it's our age. Certainly the length of time we have known one another is manifesting itself in a stronger sense of being old friends.

I'm mentioning this, today, because this afternoon Katherine threw a birthday party for Izzy, who will be 21 next week. Izzy's grandparents were invited and her uncle and some of his children (including a nephew I haven't seen in maybe 20 years), as well as her Godmother and step sisters, and I was invited, too. 

I must confess I was a little nervous about going along, anxious about immersing myself even for a couple of hours back into a family that I had once known so well. Of course, I didn't want to let my worries on to Dan and Abi, so I tried to be relaxed and chatty as we drove to the party. 

I needn't have worried, of course. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming. I paid some attention whilst the presents were being opened but also caught up with Izzy's Godmother, Jude, whom I've known since we first came to Kendal, Katherine's brother, and also her father, whom I have to say I have missed a lot over the years. In fact, he was generous enough to include me in the lovely speech he made after we'd eaten, which was possibly the moment where I felt completely relaxed and, in some ways, at home.

Maybe I am breaking my own rule - or bending it, anyway - in writing about this but it was a wonderful afternoon and whilst I'm certainly not expecting to be invited to every family function going forward, it felt special to be included.

PS Sorry about the quality of the photo. It was shot taken across the room from an iPhone in my shaky hands.

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