With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Shoot two for Tommy's competition entry. He had been working with Magda for a couple of hours before I arrived. The light on the beach was fading and we didn't really get the shot I thought it deserved there, so we returned to the salon for some more. I am beginning to find out how these things work. I was fighting with Tommy to stop fiddling so I could get angles and light, he was fighting to get the hair exactly right and we were both fighting with our own visions with a real human being who was supremely patient and getting tired. Maybe we've got something. There are some other shots with movement and light that he may prefer. Anyway, thanks Tommy. A Scot persuing excellence in another country.

Tommy is a very young man with vision. If I don't always understand it, that's because I'm getting older. He is embracing culture and language in a way I find exceptional.

In my other little world, I give thanks to my wonderful friend M, who let me immerse the boys in water and take over the lounge for a while and meanwhile let me spend a couple of blissful hours pretending I'm a gardener.

Today was really something.

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