
By Tommy0161

More Contrast....

Here's another picture of the contrast of the old and the new in Manchester. It's the CIS Tower and a curvey Art Deco building. Given that CIS Tower is over 50 years old and the Art Deco building is about 90 years old, it's a contrast between the not so new and the slightly older. The CIS Tower is still looking pretty good for its age. The solar panels do help of course. It's a classy bit of New York in Manchester.

This picture was taken on Sadler's Yard, a new open space created on the NOMA development by the Co Op. It links Exchange and Angel Squares. It's an attractive space that shows off some nice buildings, like this Art Deco one, that have previously been ignored mostly. How you show a building off by surrounding it by attractive space is very important I think.

It's called Sadler's Yard in memory of James Sadler who made the first manned balloon flight in Manchester in 1785. Nearby Balloon Street remembers this as well. It's an attractive space but not one where people have started to linger. It's not that it's unsafe, there just isn't a reason to do so. But they have plans to open cafes and a pub on it and, in the summer months, I'm sure the local office workers will make use of it.

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