Rain stopped play
This is where Mr B and I sometimes sit of an evening, to have a quiet glass of something fruity after dinner - looking out over the garden as evening fades into dusk.... But not tonight. As the thunder rumbled over and the rain thumped down (that is the grey streaks you can see) we sheltered glumly indoors instead.
Took advantage of the kids' last day at school to get the bulk of a new research project done. Very interesting stuff, but poorly paid and definitely not worth the amount of time I've put into it. Hopefully the client will come through on the promise of more work... I don't mind a loss-leader providing it doesn't lead to a door marked 'Sucker'. We shall see.
The kids' presents to the teachers (ie the gifts I baked - with minimal assistance - and wrapped elegantly and remembered to bring to school at pick up time) went down very well indeed. I thought Conor had got out of the 'embarrassing' kisses from his teacher as she wasn't there. But he spotted her up the road and ran to tell her her present was on her desk - and held up his face obediently for the kisses. He's changed in a year, that boy...
Then the running and the screaming and the start of the holidays. As the mums leaving the school gate mused with a sigh "It's not a holiday for us".
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