Would you?

Its amazing what people will do without a thought in the world (or so it seems).

Would you walk across a bridge that was closed off because the flooding has caused it to 'float' on the water?  I know I wouldn't, even if I had to go round the long way!

Extremely busy day and I ended up staying over an hour late to sort the conference rooms out :(  The bonus is that I'm going in later tomorrow and I'm catching the train a whole hour later :)

I wonder how the Blipfuture Team got on today, its been much in my thoughts...  Don't forget you can still pledge

In my extras, more flooding and a beautiful sunset before the horrible weather now....

In other news, I put a pedometer I've had for years on today, and I've walked 7647 steps (I'm sure I wouldn't normally walk that many, but it was busy) :)

Happy Tuesday folks :)

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