It's Snowing

A brighter day again, which makes such a difference.  Work passed in a flash.  I had forgotten I was meeting a friend for lunch and had been stuck in a meeting that had run over significantly so was late, but we still managed to catch up over a rather nice bowl of soup in a local café.

This afternoon, quite by chance I stumbled upon the makings of a disaster, but quickly managed to get someone to get our side of things back on track.  However, this  had given my boss cause for concern and just as I was leaving, he came to tell me that having made further enquiries there was a disaster in the making.  I managed to catch up with him this evening to offer my services to go to Dundee in the morning if required, but he hopes that things should be ok.  A case of too many cooks here I think, and our team (who were core to the planning) were not provided with adequate information.  This seems to be the theme running through my week.

The train home was packed,  then I had to contend with the horrid courtesy car to get home to pick BB up from badminton.  As ever on a Wednesday night the cello and reading nightmare took place.  Both could have been over in half an hour – but as ever they took much much longer. 

We had snow earlier.  It was quite heavy at one point, but doesn’t seem to have come to much.


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