Sunrise over snow covered roof tops

I knew there must be a layer of snow as I could nt see out of the velux window. Everywhere was covered white with a clear starry sky above. It seemed ages for the sun to rise to actually see how much snow there was. Just enough to cover the grass and it was nt long before it started to melt once the sun was out.
The rest of the day stayed grey with a few more light showers of wet snow.
Became engrossed in watching Tim Peake and Tim Kopra on their space walk. Fascinating stuff and amazing pictures especially from their helmet cams and when you could see earth below.
All got a bit more dramatic when Tim Kopra found a waterdroplet in his helmet measuring a few inches across and they were called back in. One of the people of the ground suggested he should drink it if he could. He did manage to get some which was cold which suggested it was fro the cooling system in his suit.
Still a great job by both men replacing a failed electrical box. Great that Tim Peake carried out the 'first ever spacewalk by an ' official' British astronaut.'
I wonder if they have seen the film ' Gravity'

Todays extra shows the redwings that were in the field today so well camouflaged. There were also filedfares and starling and all were startled by the male Sparrowhawk who left empty clawed.

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