A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Ground Control

It has been a long time since I blipped our resident guitarist. It's a very good sign this is how he is spending his Friday night and not doing yet more research into weird and wonderful cures for the boy. No idea what chord this is but he is teaching himself Space Oddity by the late great Mr Bowie.

Today has mainly been a good news day. Mostly because Jackson had a great meeting at school and we have a (tentative) plan for his (very) gradual return to school which he is driving. And one of his old school mates came round after school and they laughed a lot and generally had a blast. And of course he is now super tired but at least with good reason.

To join in the good news Anna had a splendid first term's report from RCM.

The only black spot on today is that Albi has eaten something that disagreed with her and she is very sick and sorry for herself. It really is quite heart wrenching to watch her looking so awful. Hopefully a good night and she will be back to her bouncy self in the morning.

Lesley x

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