A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Slow and steady

Will hopefully win the race, or at the very least allow for participation back in the race. Today has been a considerable improvement on yesterday. Jackson's dizziness has started to subside and by the end of the day he was able to walk the 3 metres from his bedroom to the bathroom unaided, without wobbling and with his head up. For a boy who couldn't put one foot in front of the other yesterday this feels huge and has made us all very happy. It has sent J so dizzy he has taken to creating jokes for Christmas crackers. I did point out this was possibly using his brain and that with only 15hours left of his total bedrest regime it was a little like messing about in your parole hearing. But it has been positively joyous to see (if not hear, they are pretty bad).

The picture is from this morning when one of our friends kindly brought round her two pet tortoises for a playdate. The theory being that they would pootle about at tortoise like pace, Jackson would feed them the odd piece of sweetcorn and it would all generally be quite soothing and relaxing. Didn't entirely go to plan as J was quite taken with the tortoises and almost immediately began devising plans for training them to do circuits so we could time them. Needless to say after about 45mins the tortoises had completely wiped him out and he needed to go back upstairs for a sleep!

So tonight we go to bed full of hope that tomorrow we might be able to start to introduce some activities that aren't lying in bed and eating. And even be able to start to plan for a return to school.

Thank you for all the supportive comments. It's been an odd week and yesterday was a real low for us all. Even just the smallest amounts of progress have made us all so much happier today. I couldn't sleep last night; ironically because I so desperately wanted it to be morning and see if he was any better. Tonight I think I will sleep very soundly.

Lesley x

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