White but not snow!

There was ice on the allotment this morning and I had to break it on the chickens water bowl! No weeding today for me! Instead I set out for Waitrose in light hail and ended up in a whirling hail storm - everything turned white! As I was at the petrol station I contemplated getting out to get a white on white shot but man those hailstones hurt! Heading onwards I could see snow on the moors - no fear of me going up there - treacherous driving and I already skidded coming out of the station!
I had a nice chat over coffee and cherry cake with Vegan Jo - she is turning half their garage into a den for her teenage girls. She was discussing putting a tumbler drier in there as would help to heat it up with the builders. One stuck his hands in his pockets, looked upwards and then pronounced how it would make the room smell nice too! Got to love the wisdom of builders!
I put the chickens to bed and as I waited for them to eat their corn to help them stay warm overnight ( a veritable bedtime porridge for chickens!) I watched the rain fall and the sunset on my favourite line of trees! 
After dinner I decided to take in / cover my more delicate plants - quite a fun exercise in the dark! They are so water logged if they freeze it will undoubtedly kill them!
Monday I am off to stay with AH14 - bit of a hiccup as it looked as if a parcel I was expecting this week was to come monday, but then late today it arrived! But now I am worried the ice/snow may alter my travelling plans. I say "I" and "my" but of course I mean "we" and "our" for of course Tilly is coming with me!!!! I kid you not! I have a friend who will chicken sit, but now it's just Tilly I am worried she will be very lonely and fed up if cooped up alone all week!  Plus cold - i can't ask someone else to put a jumper on her now can I?!! But of course I can and have asked  AH14 if Tilly can come too - and oddly / madly enough she agreed! Have chicken will travel is my motto! Maybe AH14 should be relieved I'm not bringing the allotment girls - hmmm, I wonder exactly how many chickens could fit in my car?! 

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