A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

The sad passing of Multiple Personality Fridge

My god, what a week. Monday and Wednesday saw me arriving home at 9.30 in the evening after leaving the house at 7.30 in the morning for work.

Thursday was crazy - just about made it through my day, went to the hairdressers, had to fight my way through the crowd in the Birchwood Centre who had come to see George (who won "Britains Got Talent - he goes to the High School at the back of our house) - he was performing in the centre and there were 8 Police officers, numerous security people and lots of teenage girls dolled up to the nines clutching their autography books. Got home, fell asleep for 2 hours. Then went out with Corin's brother and his wife to be (this was announced to us on Wednesday night and is fantastic news - wedding in Ireland next year - woohoo!)

Been a bit down in the dumps this week - no reason particularly - think it is the combination of not seeing very much daylight at all this week and also not being able to eat anything that actually gives me any pleasure (chocolate, red meat, anything dairy) as they all seem to be triggering the abdominal pain.

So imagine my DEEP DEEP JOY when, as I walked through the door after 80 mile trip to pick Jamie up, Corin announced "The fridge has died".

But it went beyond that - it actually looks like we were quite lucky not to have come home to find the house burned down ...the fridge hadn't just stopped working, it had somehow turned into an oven in the process. Everything in the fridge was melted (cheese fondue anyone), turned to cheese (that WAS the milk dear) or cooked (the steak Corin was going to have for his tea).

Also the food in the freezer was virtually cooked through - I'm not kidding...a set of pork chops would have just needed grilling off to brown them up. We reckon the contents probably hit between 50 and 60 degrees!

Lost about £75 worth of food, and sadly a really nice bottle of wine that my dad had given me (the red Frizzante Dad !) that I was determined I was going to drink this weekend.... grrrr

So, here lies my Fridge. Pronounced dead at 5pm on Friday 21st November. He thought he was an oven. Turns out he was a sink too (as my money just poured down it) and a dustbin (the rest of my money was dumped into it when disposing of the food!)

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