
These are the colours of the forthcoming "Hebdon/Dunwood Merger" which takes place in April. I can't believe its nearly 12 months since Corin proposed. Nor that is not far off 4 years that we've been together. In a good way, it feels like he has been a part of my life forever.

I've been pondering wedding planning this week. Its that funny (peculiar) point in time where there isn't much that I can do right now - some jobs need doing, like chasing up and confirming guests, and finding out peoples dietary needs, but other stuff (party favours etc) - no point. I need shoes. Corin and I need to decide on what we're all eating. We need to decide on music for the ceremony. My brother needs to tell me what his reading is, as I need to find a second reading.

Readings and music - they are the troublesome bits for me.

Strangely, I woke up at around 2.30am one night this week, having dreamt that I had written my own wedding vows, and peculiarly, I remember the dream vows quite well...must write them down!

Can't blip the dress fully - don't want to spoil it for Corin - although to be honest, even if I did blip it, it wouldn't give you an idea of what it looks like when I am wearing it - even self critical me thinks it looks fab!!!

Edit : One year ago - the death of the fridge freezer and the end of a rubbish week!

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