Gitama's World

By Gitama

Rumi (not the Poet) Happy Dog

I can't believe how happy Rumi is these days and how well he is.

I bought him a new collar and bed the other celebrate a new start for him.

I think he knows how handsome he looks in his new collar which is a pale blue with studs (unfortunately you can't see it in this pic)......he got so much attention on the beach was like he was keeping court.....he was like a pat and cuddle magnet....he loved every moment.

I am so  happy ...(after the hot weather .....the defining season) he is sailing through I really do believe I can safely say the corner has been turned.

“We are the night ocean filled
with glints of light. We are the space
between the fish and the moon,
while we sit here together.” 
― Rumi

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