
Spent what seemed like ages messing about with photographs of snow. Simply snow. From time to time was distracted by Luna photo-bombing my efforts of getting the perfect snow shot - white on white. I wish I knew how to use the makro settings and then I could at least try to catch a snowflake.
It was not to be and I wasn't going to give Luna the pleasure of forcing herself on to Blip yet again, so went for Jerry who came strolling by to see what the fuss was all about.

Took a peek at the photography course web page and got more depressed. But while in Facebook I saw my daughter had sent me something. Well that led to hours of surfing and youtube videos etc etc.
End result I am eagerly awaiting a 1kg bag of turmeric powder on Monday and hope to have produced a batch of paste which is going to change mine and the animals lives. I am told the worst that can happen is that the animals have yellow noses and the towel that I use to wipe up the mess from the turmeric paste manufacture and put in the washing machine, will have turned my fancy white Y-Fronts to a subtle tone of ochre.

Full of enthusiasm and unable to wait until Monday, shot down to the supermarket shortly before closing time (20:00 unbelievably here in the sticks) to get chicken breasts, spinach, coconut milk, sweet pepper and a tin of turmeric. Back home dodging snow ploughs and Kamikaze Audi drivers, created a sensation - Curried Chicken on Spinach and without the use of a drop of oil. I did break a few rules - served it with rice (understand we shouldn't really be eating grains) and washed it down with beer. (more grains). Next week I have, on daughter's orders, to find a supply of Fekir starter so as to kick off a drink production line. I read you can tune Fekir to have quite a large % of alcohol.  The apple vinegar supplement ordered as a third line of treatment will be bought from an organic shop next week. Three production lines is too much for now and anyway only women can effectively multitask.

Boy will I be fit and by next winter I hope either my photography or the turmeric will add a bit of colour and contrast to Jerry's "what the heck is he up to now?" look.

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