Girl's Day

Angie out with Rosie and Luna while Flash, Asyr, Sultan and I had a relaxing lunch, a beer or two and a snooze. Well not quite. Sultan had to later do a turn on the longue.

Poor old Flash has been very wobbly on his feet the last couple of days. This morning Angie, after phoning the vet, gave him one of the strong painkillers left over from his operation last year. Once warmed up he can't resist over-doing it. As Sultan was doing his rounds, Flash had a sort of epileptic fit. I wasn't there but witnessed the one and only time he had one just after his operation. Horrible sight, all I could do then was try to try and lie on top of him and from witnessing a fit many years ago at school, making sure he could breath and didn't swallow his tongue. Angie coped well and Flash seems none the worse for it - I suspect he reacts to the painkillers. However we are keeping an eye on him. Tonight he has voluntarily not gone up the stairs to bed and I'm staying down to keep an eye out. Luckily he seems to have accepted the situation - if we had simply locked him out, he would have mentally suffered. He doesn't show any sign of physical pain but like probably most dogs, especially BC's, he wouldn't let a bit of pain get in the way. As I wrote after his operation, every day he is with us is a blessing but it still hurts to see him getting older.

Spent the day trying to clear away twigs and branches in the garden. Just before it got dark, dug up a bucket of carrots - yes from the veg plot, on 16th January in Bavaria! There are at least two buckets in the ground. With luck the 20+cm of snow tomorrow will cover them before the cold comes although it seems it won't be that cold.

Raw carrot salad this evening after a sauna session. Wonder what I will do with all my strength tomorrow.

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