
Went over the wall to the Far East to look at a wee car for a run around. Met the guy who suggested we go for a test drive. Off we go with him driving and me as a passenger trying to suss out how good the car was. Suddenly he pulls in and says you drive, so we swap and are chugging along , I can't remember what exactly I said but suddenly this guy went off on one about the BBC being Satanists indeed the country according to him were Satanists! He then said "do you know what you are" my answer being no! He said you're a ship! How I ask? Cause you came about as a result of your parents docking, you are seen by a dock-to, your cord ie rope is cut and your birth certificate is being used on the stock exchange and if you answer to your title it's something to do with necrophilia!! and so on and so forth. By this time, my driving along Corstophine is getting more erratic and I'm no longer thinking about the car but about the raving loony beside me. I also at some point realised we were no longer heading back to his street. (At this point I'm thinking if he tries anything I'm going to mount the bloody pavement and run) then I think God I can't, my rucksack is in the back seat, then I think feck the bloody rucksack all it contains is a toothbrush, pyjamas and a pair of knickers!
He asks me where in Edinburgh I'm staying as I'd mentioned my cousins, I actually had no clue where the hell they stayed except it was somewhere in Leith. Anyway I stopped on Leith walk and got out and grabbed my rucksack. However I need to go back to him tomorrow and buy the bloody car!
When I told my cousin about all this satanic necrophilia ship stuff he was on about, my cousin says you can look them up on YOU tube!
Why me!!!!

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