
Well I woke with a headache - not really surprised so I  just took tablets and gathered bits slowly! By 1 I was ready for the off and as I was packing the car camera Man spotted me and came in for a chat! So much later than i expected I made Tilly comfortable in her carrier and loaded her in the car!Not a peep, nor a cluck the whole journey! In fact as it was dark by the time we arrived she had settled down to sleep! 
I had warned AH14 as to the number of bags I was bringing - looked as if I was coming for a month! We slipped back into our friendly rapport as soon as we met, and by dinner time a couple of hours later were laughing and swapping  jibes quite amicably! l Tilly is happily sleeping in  her garage - the room AH14 had designated for her was far too warm! AH14 and I are sitting at her dining room table supping Amarula, me popping out to take night shots and she, well you will see hers at some point! Ah14 has a full day planned, starting of course with a sunrise!!! So it's goodnight from me, and it's soon to be a goodnight from her!!
Oops nearly forgot - blip is a view from her balcony!    
Double oops! Did forget to say brilliant news on blipfuture! It's why AH14 and I are drinking - honest!!

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