The good, the very bad and the very ugly

On the left we have the good, on the right we have the very bad and in the middle we have the ugly.

Well what a day..... I knew this day was coming though successfully blocked it out of my mind until 10.27am for 2 months

So today was the day when two dentists took it in turns to, what felt like anyway, use the tools on the right of my blip to extract and rip out two of my teeth. Local anaesthetic should not be underestimated but even still with 4 hands in your mouth and the dentists knee on the chair I was lying back in trying with all his might to extract said teeth it was never going to be pleasant. The sound of a tooth cracking as he did this was not exactly that of beautiful music. He was kind enough however to show me my two teeth afterwards on his little silver plate scattered into 9 broken samples... I so wish that had have been my Blip today

So on the left, the good in this case, are the painkillers, mouthwash and gauzes I need to keep the infection and holes in my mouth under control. It continues to bleed constantly but with the rules and regs - the ugly in this case - I can't do the following...:

• run for 24hrs
• drink a hot drink for 48hrs
• Eat any solids for 48hrs
• eat anything hot for 24hrs and it mayst be soft (I had cold pasta and a banana all day)
• spit or sneeze

I can however:

• take as many pain killers as I want....

There moral of this story is - go to the dentist regularly

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