Fashion time...

Well for starters I'm sure you'll be delighted to hear following my traumatic surgery yesterday I have got through another 24hrs. Touch n go in places but as Barry Manilow once we sang 'it looks like we made it'

Anyway back to more important items on the agenda. The topic of discussion at dinner tonight at Church was my outfit. Well when I say discussion I mean ridicule from many a folk including the sons (and in laws) and daughters of fellow Blippers, children, slightly older folk and even a Pastor....

Allow me to explain in more detail my fashionable outfit I wore in the office today and allow you to cast your vote

Brown shoes
Blue suit trousers
Black shirt
Grey V neck sweater

I gave myself 8/10, they all gave me 2/10 at best in fact one comment was 'you could get into an 80s Discotheque wearing that'. Rude! 'Black and blue doesn't go' - yes it does. Brown shoes and blue trousers just don't work - again yes it does!

Anyway you guys can have the casting vote;

Yes for 'superb JimBob, you wear it well'

No for 'get yourself down the Discotheque'

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